The benefits of olive leaf extract fall broadly into three categories, namely antimicrobial (anti=against, microbe=microorganism), antioxidant and heart benefits .
The benefits of olive leaf extract differ from pure immune boosters in that immune boosters stimulate your immune system
to destroy disease which still requires your own energy.
Olive leaf extract mainly does the work for you.
This is important when you are run down and is the reason most people regain energy when taking it.
In this way olive leaf extract allows your body the opportunity to restore itself.
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The process of living, including chemical reactions taking place inside our bodies as well as external influences such as radiation and pollution imposing from the outside, results in the formation of electrically unstable molecules within us called free radicals.
In their attempt to reach equilibrium free radicals bombard and damage body cells, until they are neutralised or "quenched" by substances called antioxidants, substances commonly found
in fruit and vegetables.
Antioxidants thus end the destructive life of free radicals.
By so doing they are thought to slow down the ageing process of cells and people.
Antioxidants do protect against cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and many other age-related ailments so greatly
improving the quality of life as we grow older.
Olive leaf extract contains some of the strongest natural antioxidants discovered, much stronger than vitamin C and green tea
and it also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Compounds in olive leaf extract appear to inhibit the sequence of events leading to certain cancer formation in humans.
The Mediterranean diet, (including large amounts of olive oil) is known for lowering the incidence of heart disease
and various cancers which would support this theory.
Laboratory experiments have shown that olive leaf compounds inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
Oxidation of LDL is one of the first steps toward the thickening of arteries and progress towards the condition of atherosclerosis.
The anti-inflammatory properties of olive leaf extract would likely contribute to this benefit, also reducing the aggregation
of blood platelets on inflamed arterial walls.
While no studies have yet been conducted to show that olive leaf extract reverses atherosclerosis, anecdotal evidence of the gradual lowering of high blood pressure caused by hardened arteries suggests that an improvement is possible and even likely over time.
Olive leaf seems to work very well for this in some people, and a habit of drinking olive leaf tea, using olive oil as a salad dressing
and taking olive leaf extract supplements during severe bouts of arthritis would be a good long term strategy to prevent and counter
rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis.
The anti-inflammatory properties of olive leaf extract can be very effective in these situations.
Animal experiments show that olive leaf extract protects cell DNA from damage caused by x-ray radiation,
when taken before or after treatment.
Due to its powerful anti-oxidant activity, ionised particles are quenched so protecting healthy cells.
This would apply to U-V radiation from the sun and oxidative stress caused by pollution or "passive smoking", a doctor or dentist's
X-rays as well as leakage from a nuclear reactor or power station.
Of course this should never happen, (but neither should a Tsunami.)
Olive leaves are a traditional gout remedy in Mediterranean regions.
A recent study by the University of Leipzig, Germany put scientific weight behind this traditional folk remedy.
The enzyme Xanthine Oxidase, known to contribute to the development of gout was inhibited by a number of the components
of olive leaves.
I have received excellent personal feedback concerning this benefit.
Experiments show it relaxes the coronary arteries of rabbits improving blood circulation to the heart,
dilates a variety of animal arteries, reduces blood pressure and corrects arrhythmias.
Anecdotal evidence regarding arrythmias and improved circulation in humans has been reported.
Olive leaf extract may be very useful for people with borderline high blood pressure.
Doctors often recommend to patients that they start eating a Mediterranean type diet, exercise etc. to avoid the road to dependency
on dangerous heart medication.
Added to its antioxidant effects, olive leaf could help pull one back from the brink of requiring such medication with its added list of other medications needed to deal with the unpleasant/dangerous side-effects of the first one.
Under a doctor's supervision, it may sometimes be advantageous to take olive leaf extract with heart medication to reap its benefits related to lowering triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels, unsticking "sticky platelets", lowering high blood pressure and helping prevent atherosclerosis.
In the 1800's it was recorded as being used for malaria and fevers, and later for high blood pressure. The author has used it for FAIDS (feline AIDS) in cats and has received numerous reports of it treating a wide range of pet ailments.
While the benefits of olive leaf extract will be researched for many years to come, its known benefits can be safely employed to improve the quality of life of people today. For more specific details click on the following link:Don't have much time to read? Our brief newsletters cover all you need to know and you won't miss out on our special offers either.
Have your say about what you just read! Leave me a comment in the box below. Note: I can't give medical advice. See dosage page for dosage.