Alternative to olive leaf extract

by Christina
(Racine,Wisconsin,USA )

I am extremely allergic to the olive tree. Is there a safe way for me to take this extract or is there an alternative recommendation for a different supplement with the same components as olive tree extract?

I would not take olive leaf extract in this case.

Olive leaf does many different things and has 96 different components that are currently known, there is nothing else the same.
You would have to decide what you wanted to take it for then source a different herb or a few herbs to do what you want.
There are herbs for everything, so it is just a matter of looking for the right ones.

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by jtownjeanne
(Warminster PA.)

Can I still take my low dose of Ativan and still drink Olive leaf tea?

You should be OK with olive leaf tea.
Make the tea weak to start off with for a few days and if there are no adverse reactions make it as per normal. It may be a good idea to let your doctor know as well.

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Could the olive leaf make eczema worse?

by Chris


Since commencing taking the supplement my eczema around my eye and neck has got worse. Is this temporary? Should I stop taking the olive leaf?


This is a difficult one to answer as there are so many suspected causes of eczema.
It could mean the olive leaf is dealing with an underlying microbial infection, which may result in it clearing up, or it could be aggravating it due to an allergic-type reaction.
You could try reducing the dosage to see if it settles down and then increase slowly to the normal dosage and see if the condition improves. If this does not work then olive leaf extract is probably not the right thing for you.

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My ears have stopped producing ear wax, I also get some earache now.........could this be the Olive Leaf ???

I very much doubt this - it is the first time I have heard such a thing, however I suggest you stop taking it to see if your normal earwax production resumes.
I think a lack of earwax would cause problems.

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