Mr. Excited Investigator.

by Robin

I'm 77 y.o., just into middle age - live in the middle of a hundred acre olive plantation converted, for economic reasons, to a golf course with over 1000 olive trees remaining.
Many varieties were established, both indigenous and imported, so there is scope for experimentation with about half a dozen different ones.
Excited, because mercifully, I am very fit for my age, but my blood pressure is what we are told is much too high, and a little arthritis is creeping into my fingers.
On the BP issue - I take no medications except for a fifth of a standard aspirin, notwithstanding, my Systolic reading is well within what as a young man, with a nursing sister for a mother, we were lead to believe could be as high as your age plus 100.
The Diastolic figure today, was 76, well below the accepted figure of 80, but with all the bad press for a Systolic hovering around 150, it's arthritic fingers crossed that when I start the OLE protocol, I will see an improvement in my very mild arthritis, and a correction in the BP figures.
I prepared about two liters of OLE tincture about a couple of weeks ago - unfortunately overlooked agitating it regularly - made with ethanol 'though, and it is smelling fine. Nothing very spirity about it - looking forward to my first dose tomorrow.
Oh - BTW - I macerated freshly picked leaves within minutes, in a very powerful smoothy blender - really laboured with the dry leaves, but adding 50/50 80% ethanol really worked a treat.
Will feed-back if I get any results.. :-)

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re: Mr. Excited Investigator
by: Terence

Thank you for your post and the blender info.

I have a feeling your tincture is going to tip you back into the physically "young" category!

There are so many good reports from arthritis - sufferers about pain-relief and reduced swelling, as well as significantly reduced blood pressure in others from olive leaf so the prospects look very good for you.

Please keep us posted on your progress.

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