You could try using glycerine, but I don't think it will be easy to get a strong tincture.
Most companies that use glycerine first make an extract using water and ethanol, then boil off the ethanol and add glycerine.
Alternatively they make an extract finely chopping the leaves, adding water and pressing to get the constituents out. Again, glycerine is usually added later.
You could try this, as well as letting it soak in glycerine for a few weeks and you may get a usable tincture.
Alcohol allergy by: Belinda
I am allergic to alcohol which, if comsummed, will cause hugh welts of extreme itchy swellings all over my body. What can be used in the place of vodka to make the olive leaf tincture?
Thank you.
Whats the Alcohol content ? by: Anonymous
Question; Is there a alcohol % once completed the process as thinking about taking olive leaf when at work and is a 0% alcohol work site. thank's
Answer; Yes, there is an alcohol content once completed. It has to be about 25% to 35% in order to be successfully preserved. As it is a form of preventive medicine, this should not be a problem. The bitter taste should be enough to convince anyone you're not taking it for the wrong reasons and the dosage would be around a teaspoonful. While not unpleasant, you wouldn't drink it instead of your preferred beverage. I would ask the relevant authority at work whether it would be regarded as a violation of the rules.