Wilsonii Fruitless Olive Tree

by Nicole
(San Francisco)


I wish to make a tincture from the leaves of my truly fruitless Olive tree.

The variety is Wilsonii. Do you think this variety would have the same levels of oleuropein and would be safe to use?


Without testing it would be impossible to say what levels of Oleuropein the leaves contain.

I do not know how they are made fruitless but it appears to be a fairly normal olive tree otherwise, and should be safe to use the leaves.

For safety, try making a little tea first with dried leaves. If this gives no bad effects when drinking you could try with a tincture.

It may be wise to find out more about the tree variety from the seller as well in case it is crossed with a tree variety that is poisonous.

I doubt that this would be done without issuing a warning given the popularity of olives and their leaves.

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